Saturday 27 June 2009

Blackpool Sixth Form Art Exhibition Monday 29th June.

Come down and have a look if your near.

Thursday 18 June 2009

It has been a long time since my last post!
I have finished my A level exams today and the relief is phenomenal.
This means lots more time to fill sketch books which have been left empty, create many creative things and maybe even paint my room. The possibilities are endless.
In the time I have been gone I have started driving lessons, completes my medical science course (FINALLY), completed 9 3 hour plus exams, made a business card, which I do not yet have on picture format so cannot yet share it with you all. I also baked a cake tonight for my friends 18th birthday. Its a pretty fine lookin' cake. It has a jam and butter icing filling.

For some reason that I have not yet figured out the camera on my laptop takes photos backwards. Lauren isn't really 81 years old she is 18.