Tuesday, 21 April 2009


This is the first scan of my new baby cousin!

On the right is its head on on the left you can see its legs and toes!

It is due on the 24th of October, 6 days after my birthday.

I say it because the parents chose not to find out the sex.

Wonderful lovelyness!

Friday, 17 April 2009

Stitching stitching stitching
This is the final piece of my Liverpool architexture in stitch project, (needs a better name), its a 15 hour piece made with the same methods as the previous ones.

I would love to put more of this project up but it takes up too much space.
I have loads of my work up on facebook if you want to have a look or just say hi!

"In my work I reflect a childhood dream to be able to shrink in size, like ‘Alice."
Ruth Moillet
This is what I mentioned on my post yesterday. Today Blogger is letting me put pictures on so here is the photo for yesterdays post.
And sticking to my more colourful promise.
That may have been cheating.

Thursday, 16 April 2009

These are the dandelion mobiles I mentioned in m previous post.
I can make these in silver, gold, pink or blue, or all of them, for £3 each.
I have just discovered the different colours you can use on this so I vow from now on the make my posts my colourful. I feel this is a great success. For me. It may well be for you as well.
Right, now that I have written this the thing wont let me put photos up of them. So I shall do this in the morning.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Eggs and Dandelions!
These are from my Dandelions and Day Dreams project. It is a project that started with dandelions being sown into white tissue paper and ended with metal dandelions being stuck into eggs. Looking back on it I'm not sure how I got from one to the other but the in between phase was mobiles made out of metal dandelions hanging from metal rings.
My final piece consisted of six different coloured eggs, light blues white and cream, with gold and silver dandelions placed in them in different places, apart from one that has nothing stuck in it.

Monday, 6 April 2009

Of to Preston today to look for a good old suitcase to use for my art work.
I have just realised I have not told you what this project is. It is my final art exam and the question I chose was art and Literature. I have based my work around one of my favourite books, On the Road, by Jack Karouac. My sketch book is set out like travel journal and for my final piece I wont to get an old suit case and fill it with old things that the characters would have traveled with.
When I get home I will put some pictures up.

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Its been lovely and sunny here in Blackpool this weekend. I went to a car boot sale this morning and got a few bits for my current art project which I will have pictures of soon.
For now here are some pieces from the project have just finished.

These two Pieces are both emulsion prints that I have stitched into. I like making these but it does hurt your hands after a while.

This is a mono print that I painted into with emulsion and water. A nice quick way of filling up my sketch book.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Liverpool architecture

I realize I haven't yet put any of my art work up so here is my first.

This is my final piece for my Unit 6 at college. It is an emulsion print that I have stitched into around the outlines and at the bottom darkened areas with Charcoal.

This is a developmental piece made with the same methods as my final piece. This piece has much more stitch detail in it and I have also used ink in areas of this piece.

It's been a very busy few days so I haven't managed to update this for a while.
On sunday night I went to Manchester to see my friends band Glove Puppets play in a battle of the bands, they got through to the next round.

On Monday Leeds festival tickets where released so much excitement was in the air. So me and my friends are off too Leeds in August.

On Tuesday me and my dad Damian went to see Jackson brown in Manchester. I was a great night.
On Wednesday my dad, children's Aurthur Damian Harvey, Poet John Siddique, sorry for possible misspelling, poet Terry Cafry and novelist and song writer Joe stretch came into my college to talk to Language and Literature students like my self about writing. I was a really lovely day.
Unfortunalty no pictures of any of these events.