Friday, 17 April 2009

Stitching stitching stitching
This is the final piece of my Liverpool architexture in stitch project, (needs a better name), its a 15 hour piece made with the same methods as the previous ones.

I would love to put more of this project up but it takes up too much space.
I have loads of my work up on facebook if you want to have a look or just say hi!


  1. Hi Rachel, great to meet you. Your work is so interesting and I would love to know more of the stitching that you talk about. Are you literally sewing, or is this an art term that has escaped me! My daughter is Lynne Chapman, so you can see how exciting it is for me to follow another young artist as she climbs the ladder. Good luck!

  2. Hello, lovely to meet you too. I believe I met Lynne once at the Children’s Federation conference.
    Yes the stitching is sewing. I sew around the detail in the image with black cotton. I'm going to put up a slide show of all the work from the whole project soon where you can see more of the actual stitch.
    Thank you for the interest in my work. Much love.
